Let me first preface this blog with the fact that I would NEVER make fun of a child, let alone a child with a disability. I will, however, make all the fun in the world of Sarah Palin, a woman whose idiocracy makes me embarrassed to have ovaries.
Now seriously, who in their right mind (okay, okay, she's not in her right mind, so that should be our first sine right there) would name their child "Trig"?! As in TRIGONOMATRY!! I mean, really, this pretty much borders on child abuse. You know that's just setting him up to be called all sorts of names for the rest of his life. I can just picture it now:

"Hey Calculus!"
"Um, my name is Trig."
"Excuse me, Trigonomtry."
"No, just TRIG."
He'll constantly be hit up for help in geometry and algebra. He'll totally have to prove his worth to his classmates....he'll have to prove it like a theorem. This just isn't right (nor is it a right angle). I mean, the name is funny. I LOLed. You can even say I LOLgarithmed. But when it comes down to it, Sarah Palin once again makes me say WTF?!
Okay, I'm done with my tangent now. Really.
**This text color denotes math related terms for the numerically challenged.**
haha I couldn't agree more! ALL of her children have ridiculous names. I actually was just reading someone else's blog last night that listed all the ridiculous celebrity children names...like Apple...wow, really? You couldn't come up with ANYTHING better? That's like, Gweneth was a day away from having the baby and was craving apples and she goes hm, I'll name my child that. WTF?!
ReplyDeleteend of MY tangent :)